people, places, things
Come live with me and be my love/ And we will all the pleasures prove/ That Valleys, groves, hills, and fields/ Woods, or steepy mountain yields... -
Bangkok, Thailand in 2015
(Click here to read the first post)In the wee hours of August 19, I left San Francisco on a plane headed for Taipei...
Kings Canyon National Park, spring 2014
(Click here to read the story)This was my chance to examine up close the kind of granite that makes up the canyon cliffs. It was light-colored with dark specks, some of which were quite large...
2014 Miscellanea
(click here to read the story)The day went like this: pick up an object, dust it, place it in the best light, photograph it from all angles. Then repeat with the next object. Sometimes I swerved my lens in the direction of some blossom or bud...
Big Sur, California in summer 2013
(click here to read the story)From the passenger seat I gazed down at the coastline we’d just traveled, feeling like I was on the edge of a precipice. It seemed impossible to have gotten so far above the highway in such a short time...
2013 trip to Utah - Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park
(click here to read the story)Plants, rocks and fences lay half-buried. In some places our feet sank deep, and it took effort to free them, as if gravity had suddenly grown stronger...
2013 trip to Utah - Bryce Canyon National Park, Rt 14, Mojave Desert
(click here to read the story)Beneath the hoodoos, and all around these colorful limestone wonders, reddish debris showed the eventual fate of all of these landforms: to crumble into dust....
2013 trip to Utah - Zion National Park
(click here to read the story)An ocean retreated and a desert formed, a desert that may have been the largest to ever exist on Earth. These blocks of stone were once sand dunes, I kept thinking in amazement, finding it impossible to picture that transformation...
2013 trip to Utah - Santa Cruz to Valley of Fire State Park
(click here to read the story)The unusual shapes and colors were only part of the strangeness; there was also the sudden appearance of red here in the middle of a mostly dull-colored terrain...
Big Basin Redwoods State Park, summer 2012
(click here to read the story)There's something innocent and alien about these glossy yellow creatures. Watching them move in the forest that day, their eyestalks a-waving in the occasional beams of light...
Dental Adventure, spring 2012
(click here to read the story)Leonard thought that if people could just see those words in huge letters, they would immediately grasp the simplicity of salvation. Unfortunately for him, his hot air balloon plan never worked out...
Portrait of Santa Cruz, 2007-2011
(click here to read the story)Many of my favorite photos by the sea have been taken at twilight, when time stops for a moment and the air shimmers in the sudden absence of sunshine. That pause always seems full of secrets, invisible spirit world doings...
Point Lobos Reserve, fall 2011
(click here to read the story)Coming out of the woods into that field in late afternoon was a glorious, sun-drenched moment of transcendental bliss. We stopped at an information kiosk that displayed otter and sea lion pelts and other objects of interest, but I didn't care...
Pinnacles National Park, fall 2011
(click here to read the story)Then we reached a fork in our trail and took a wrong turn. For a while we were lost. We spent a surreal hour looking at a map under the weird moonlight gleam and backtracking to several faintly remembered points...
Pinnacles National Park, spring 2011
(click here to read the story)If you are starting to get the idea that lichens are a complicated and mysterious subject, you're right. Biologists didn't even recognize them as symbiotic organisms for a long time...
California coast near Año Nuevo, fall 2010
(click here to read the story)Why would I speedwalk when I had all day to take pictures here, and nobody with me to sigh and look bored while I spent half an hour photographing a tangled clump of kelp?
Death Valley National Park, spring 2010
(click here to read the story)It's home to plants, insects, and the extremely rare Badwater snail, which can only be found in a few pools in Death Valley. Sucked up from an underground aquifer by the faultline at the base of the mountains, this water...
South Carolina Lowcountry, spring 2009
(click here to read the story)At home with the parents, it's too easy to live in a kind of fugue state, wrapped in a blanket of those emotions you always feel around those people and those familiar objects. Sometimes this fugue state is a necessity, a matter of survival...
Yosemite National Park, spring 2008
(click here to read the story)From the moment we left my house in Santa Cruz until the moment when we returned, whenever I wasn’t sleeping, I was taking pictures. Inside our moving vehicle, I dashed about wildly, shooting in every direction...
Joshua Tree National Park, spring 2009
(click here to read the story)As we made our way to Joshua Tree, the transformation was complete. The photography robot had become the unconscious brute force in the situation. The thinker went along for the ride, gleefully shouting observations inside my skull...